Thursday, May 27, 2010

Work Update

Cuted open Glove

Leds in positions1


Our order has finally arrived, this is effecting on our design and testing, however I still believe that our group will still have enough time to accomplish this project on schedule. Now I have successufully cut open the inside layer of this glove and started putting Leds onto their positions. And tommorow I will start soldering. Mean while Shengying was doing his coding, I have successfully read the sensor value on the lilypad accelerometer ADXL335.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is a Pressure Sensor and Flex Sensor testing video, Shengying has done the programing part for both of the sensors.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Progress Update

Google Image
The things our group have ordered has been holded up by the NZ Customs and it will not just arrive late and also we have to pay extra 60 dollars to the customs. Anyway we will have to wait for our products arrive in order to start technical work.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Odering List-Project X updating

Google Image

This is the list of quipment my group is ordering, I have calculated all the costs and had a good chat with Craig(person who organise the shipping) today. And after a short group conversation, we came to a conclusion, these is everything we need for this project, but we might need something more for an extra spin in the end. I will update with detail description later on in my blog about the uses of these materials later on.
Anyway, that's it for today.

Oder List:

LilyPad Temperature Sensor x2 $9.90

LilyPad Accelerometer ADXL335 x2 $49.90

LilyPad Buzzer x2 $15.90 Effect Sensor x8 $7.60

LilyPad Arduino 328 Main Board x2 $43.90

Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085 Breakout x2 $39.90

Reed Switch x2 $3.00

Shopping Cart Total: $170.10

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Group Chat

After today's class feed back, Shengying and I had yet to decide a final concept, but it is clear that we will be making a wearable that has something to do with accelerometer.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Body Language|Shengying+Charles

Me and another digiatal media designer Shengying has team up for this group project,I had came up my initial 2 wearablw design proposals below. One is for people to use in public or social situations(e.g. a relationship-still in an experimenting stage), the second is a wearable that detects people's body and hand movement, and create specific sound response, it can be widely used in different areas, for example for stage actors or for special forces soldiers to interact with no talking but evironmental sound.

My third proposal will be in the next post.Mean while my friend Shengying hopefully will have his project proposals uploaded already. And we have decided that I should do the sodering and designs for this project.

Musical Conudctor Comedy-body language study2

body language studies